Weekly Blog #29 : NEED 2 LOCK IN... (04-01 /04-05 )
- hey guys this week was actually forever. Like rip my hair out and make me explode..lol. soo the first thing thats super vivid in my mind was this video I watched that came out at exactly like 12 AM on Friday. So theres this series on youtube I was watching and sorta investing myself in and like...these two characters are like best buds and stuff and they're my favoorite....but then basically in alien stage its like these two people have to have a "singing battle" against each other and the person with the lower score dies. It's called alien stage because the aliens are watching these singers on a stage and seeing them die, and sing, bascially it entertains them. It's really crazy. Anyway MY FAVORITE CHARACTER AKA TILL, is still alive...but his best buddy aka Ivan, literally dies and its crazy... I was so scared to watch it because if till dies i'd be shocked..but he didn't so lol? but then he has to go up against this weird light yellow (more on the orange side) haired dude and like till looks like he's going insane// but anyway the animation for ROUND 6 is hoenstly so mesmerizing. . . I really love how much detail was put into the video. like even the little, smallest, details was so appealing to me. . . i cant stop thinking about it... . . (aaaaa) anyway also I was looking through photos and I realized in one of them, I was wearing this bracelet. I remembered it so vividly. For one, the bracelet was like made a certain why and it was like really rpetty and thats why I remmeber it so much. anyways I really don't remmebr her face her name or anything...wait actually the only thing I really remmeber about her was that she gabe me that bracelet because she said it was s ymbol of our friendship and it was a gift for me before she left the school............but like its kinda mind racking mind bobling that I can't remember. . . even though I remmeber swearing that i would remmeber her name forever. Anywayys Shantel and Naomi came back from Japan. and they got me some col things... like naomi got me a kirby thingy and it sits right one my desk by my lamp :3 along with the one she got for my birthfay. she also got me this little chick thingy dinosaure draggon thingy and I named him Tilly the tactical telepathic dragoon the III. hes so special looing that his eyes are crooked. anyway HAPPY BIRTHDAY NAOMI! your almsot as old as me! (i can't believe you were yonuger than me!) anyway another thing that happend this week was SBA and SBA is the biggest op to exist please disapearr and never come back... i feel like SBA is kinda stupid as well as sdiagnostisc because like if those are my ONLY bad grades...and im passing in everything else, will tose loike shoot all my effort down??? anwyays I hate SBA and Diagnostic. Also I tink one of my favorite teachers now is actually Mr Cole... even thoguh hes kinda crazy and all but like he actually makes sense...like i like how he gives grades on how much effort is done... like all you need for his class is effort....WHY CANT HE BE IN 8-3 NEXT YEAR? MR DAMO SEEMS SO errr shrugs but like my DAD HAD HIM WHEN HE WAS IN MIDDLE SCHOOL...(16 years ago.) mooving on another thing that we had was orientation a nd honestly it was pretty silly...like the holomua kids are actually so jugdemental...and like they were saying such craazy things....and whats even crazier is that the 6th graders...well atleast the drama I've heard about them is actually pretry crazy.. like they think they're like grown and all that....and its actually prettty crazy beause they do the most wildest things ever... but compared to what I heard about kaimiloa "drama" its not that same measure... they're kinda wosrse lol. moving on Pohakea was acutally really talkative in a good way! like the group I was talking with at the end was actually really nice@ however in the picture I took with my tour group...one of them was sticking the middle figure at me.. dude also WHY ARE 6TH GRADERS SO LIKE ERR...(i wasn't like that :(...) anyways but when oirentation started I accidentally side eyed someone and this group of girls side eyed me...buyt whatever I hoenstly don't really care! but like I just thouught it was crazy. ANYWAYS ENOUGH ABOUT THE SCHOOSL.... i think i did decent on the fashion show.... I know that I did way better than how I did on monday but looking back I really wish I like I couyld've did way more.. for example I could've added my own kind of thing to the script instead... but then I was mostly freaking out on like the timing and stuff. . . also the people at recess were like actual zombies...like we closed the window and one managed to open?! anyways people were literally going on top of other peoples shoulders (idiots) and like seriously are you dumb... we also built for the dance comp props... anyways i didn't know we didn't have practice on firday and i told my mom i was staying. but i didn't regret it... i had fun :3! we also went to the park on Thursday. Mal got a basket ball...and was playing soccer with a basketball in a volley ball court....(what..) anwyas it was jaydin me mal jooolin and valerie and we went to the park! this dog almost peed on jaydin's bikee....(lol silly doggie im gonna eat you) I also had this craazy dream about aliens and for some reason jacob was in it and like he was attached to this string on this spaceship but then it snapped and jacob turned into pixels...(wth) and like i forgot everything afterwards but i think i was battling aliens....I still don't know what happened to jacob at all bru) also on thursday i was kinda worreid because I was kinda losing my voice...(silly jaydin...its okay im better :3) ALSO MAL LITERALLY FOUGHT WITH THE GRIM REAPER ON THURSDAY... like she said she almost died....because of ME! but atleaste mal has silly battle scars now. (she won) also mal is such a sharky. also...another thing happened this weejk. cassell i believe that you';; become an actual dumpster diver. please PLEASe dont feed people mysterious bagels....(it was crayz)
Highlights... —
- One of my favorite highlighst of this week is that on friday when we didn't have practice, mal, me, valerie, jaydin, joolin, and jabez were watching stuff on the computer...we were trying to guess teh state flags and the movies... but afterwards me and mal did a put your finger down thingy...then we did a smash or pass....WHICH WAS SO SILLY. then afterwards we watched this stupid ASMR videos on like this guy telling stuff but then he ends up dying to like a meteor or like falls down the stairs and hits ongoing trafic or like got mutiltaed by raccons... also we saw some silly things on pinterst...(cursed ships..) cfazy. Anotehr highlight is that I rode jaydins bike with my little sister! but then after when I was so happy to go back honem, my brother needed to use the bathroom and I had to walk all the waay bacck...(boys bathrooms are DISGUSTING. aint no body actually the boys bathrooms...) anyways on thursday, before we went to the park, me mal joolin jaydin and valerie were just sitting or laying by a101 and me and mal were watching funny things and mal painted my nails (mal I think I swalllowed it on accident) moving on its so funy how we managed to fit three people on jaydins bike..imagine doing four people on the bike? we'd be dead! lol! another highlight of the week is that mal wore the bracelet i made her! its not the best but im glad she likes it. (literally only a few people actually keep the gifts i give them.) im really happey. moving on another ighlihg of the week si that well THE END OF THE WEEK! this week felt like acutally forever and i couldn't wait for the weekend! next week though... not really looking forward to it...but what I am looking forward to is the Dance Comp! I really want to give alex flowers. . . with my own money. another highlight is writin gall of our names/initials/nicknames on the ground. super fun. my final highlight is getting to hangout with my friend azalea cause like i didn't see azalea all week last week (sadly)
Lowlights... —
- quite a lot of lowlights this week. For one, i messed up on my script a few times. . . but im not that worried since each time we had orientation, I mostly remembered my script better on Friday. . another lowlight is that my landyard broke! I'll have to buy a new one but I wonder what I should get. . . maybe one with green / lime dinosaurs. . . !!! but from where.....OH WELLS! MOOOOVING ON! My bow kept falling off in orientation...LITERALLY WOULDN"T KEEP STILL AND I HAD TO TAPE It.!? literally so crazy because it looked so goofy but it stayed on. . . Another lowlight is that for social stuides, we had to research all week about an island that we were "assigned" and in groups that we were put in too. BUT mr cole never put me in a group, and I didn't know what island I needed to research. . . well i ended up forming a group but i doubt my only partner will actually do the work...sighh i wish I could just finish it immediately. its so time consuming to research something that has literally nothing on it. movinnnggg ooon another low of this week is my math iready. for one, i procrastinated so hard on it. It was assigned friday but I finished it THURSDAY (right before it was due and I litearlly managed to get a good percentage on it. . . i literally guessed.) I dont get it at all. Also im kinda afraid of our math SBA. speaking of SBA, anotehr lowlight is my ELA SBA. . . I WENT DOWN. im honestly so mad. . . because my SBA grade kinda matters to me. but whatevre. at least i'm still at level 4.
Lesson Learned ... —
- Over this week, I learned two things. One, just do it. The second one, don't get your hopes up. over this entire week, I've procrastinated on homework so badly. Like it was actually horrible. As I'm writing this, I'm supposed to be doing my project and researching...and also, I need to put a slideshow together. ((this was due FRIDAY AKA TODAY) another thing i mean by "just do it" is to swallow up the nervousness because...is there really anything to be scared of? Don't I want to make sure I do better too? thats what i constantly asked myself during the moments before fashion show. I guess I was actually calming myself down because it was like my way of saying, "try your best and learn from it." The other thing I learned was that I shouldn't get my hopes up. This entire week I was looking forward for something from a certain someone. However, I spent my entire week thinking about it and making it part of my reason to make it through the week but. ! well nothing happened. turns out they forgot. honestly it was pretty dumb to have my hopes up that high. Truthfully, I was disappointed but what did I expected? I guess another thing I learned is that I shouldn't expect much from certain people. cause like imagine waiting all week for something just to find out it won't happen.
Favorite Magic Note ... —
- I had a lot of favorite magic notes this week! It was really hard to choose. Starting with Jacobs. I love how many inside jokes he puts in his magic notes to me. Moving on, Joolin's! her magic notes always have such a special place in my heart. . . for one, she writes so much. Imagine how much time she spends. Its probably more than our school hours. Thank you joolin! my next one is jaydins! love the drawing lol! sily willy...(youll never see my soccer skills okay :3. . . i actally suck) Another favorite was marks. Thanks man. . . i really tried my best and I agree taht the 6th graders are quite the crowd. Mals one was also my favorite because she talked about laying down under the table with me and jaydin and watching the silly and dumb IG reels. . . Alex's one is also my favroite cause we're math buddies <3. . . Naomi's one is another favorite because she talked about the kid who was like. . "IS THIS REALLY 'ILIMA!?@?!" and finally jayna's one is my favorite. not only because of how much effort she put into the name but becaseu she talked about when my phone was at max volume and uh...I opened ig reels adn there were some silly sound effects (THE TIMINING WAS SO BAD?!)

apporximentally 39 weekdays tilll may 30th. I will make it dude!