- This quarter was actually not so bad. I only say that because well ITS OVER!! I would never want to relive the quarter especially the end because WHY WAS THE WEEKS FEELING LIKE FOREVER?? Anyway this quarter had a lot of ISA activities and I got to do cornhole and bowling. I still wanna do volley ball though. This quarter math surprisingly wasn’t that bad and I learned that I should definitely have more faith itself because I still got a good grade on the tests. Anyways this quarter I discovered so many cool things like John wick (I watched all the movies) SONIC THE HEDgehog (I have yet to watch all gameplays but I read almost all the IDW comics. I really wanna read the Archie comics. And collect them all because I wanna get a big bookshelf to boot all my things on. ) and another thing is that I started watching scissor seven and South Park they’re both comedies but I like scissor seven better because even though it’s main point is so be well a comedy the plot is pretty like deeper than that. Anyways this quarter I did a lot of progress art wise and with guitar too. I completely know how to play everlong, silly girl, rises the moon, good good things, jingle bells, aeroplane over the sea, holland 1945, I’m still learning still waiting but I learned a lot in these last weeks! I also performed in talent show. I that was pretty nerve racking. Like I felt excited but for some reason so excited I felt nervous and like throwing up but hey I did it and I did a good job. I think I just needed water that day though I forgot to bring water.. Speaking of water I got a new waterbottlr from my dad when he went on his trip in Boston. I’m glad he’s back because it was absolutely hell at home without him…. Anyways I got a bunch of canvases and yet I have so many things to do..especially gift wrapping wise. I’m terrible with gifts. Another thing I’m terrribkw with is time like I seriously cannot remember so many things. Sometimes it gets so out of hand like illl be sitting in my chair at my desk but then I’ll in a way fast forward to when I’m in the kitchen and I’ll just be like..j don’t remember getting up or anything. It’s weird. Also Deja vi happened soo many times this week. That was weird too. Everything is like weird bro.. but oh wells. ALSO I GOT SONIC FIGURONES HAHAHAHAH!!
- This quarter had a lot of highlights!! Anyways one of the biggest ones is me finally giving sonic a chance and eventually its become all I ever talk about just like ninjago last quarter. I watched like several game plays and one of my favorites are obviously Sonic and the Black Knight because its literally like they randomly decided to add another reason to make sonic EVEN COOLER. LIKE WHAT. I WANNA BE A KNIGHT. AND DUDE THE ARTWORK.. AND THE NAMES OF SONICS FRIENDS BEING NAMES OF LIKE KNIGHTS.. IN STORIES. LIKE LANCELOT AND PERCIVAL AND EVEN AMY BEING THE LADY OF THE LAKE. This also fueled me to read King Arthur and His Knights by Howard Pyle… ANyways another one SONIC ADVENTURE AND SONIC AVENTURE TWO, Like I love talking about the lore and literally ITS SO COOL?!?! Like HOLY MOLY. ALSO I LIKE I EVEN GOT TO WATCH THE SONIC 3… Speaking of the sonic 3 movie (it follows the timeline in SA2) and anyways Shadow was being voiced by Keanu Reeves (hes so cool) AND KEANU REEVES IS ALSO JOHNI WICK! I also decided to watch all the John Wick Movies and its hard to believe the entire time line happened in like,, A FEW WEEKS. Thats absolutely insane. Also I really thought the dog actors was cool and I would totally love to see even more! I bought the movies but it was so worth it because I rewatched them over and over agan, Anyways another highlight is another one about sonic. I FREAKING LOVE THE SONIC OST. ESPECIALLY KNIGHT OF THE WIND ANYTHING CRUSH 40.. AND TEAM CHAOTIX FORM SONIC HEROS. I also got to play a small bit of sonic frontiers since my brother doesn’t play it but I haven’t gotten to play the entire game because my mom doesn’t like me hanging out in her room. Another highlight is GUITAR, I lovee my guitar holly moolylylylyl….. Its like such a great outlet for me to just do practically whatever and lose sense of time and relax. Like I didn’t even realize I was sitting and practicing for like 4 hours . Another thing I got interested in is SOUTH PARK! I made it to season 8 in like 5 weeks and I’m just watching casually! Its really funny. My favorite characters are Kenny, Craig, and butters. Another highlight is TV, It was better this quarter! (will we be freed from the curse.?? Or will it pass on….) Final highlight is learning art fundamentals again!! I learned how to actually draw noses, and got better with picking colors. Color theory is weird.
These ups had their downs too,, Anyways even though the TV curse of period 5 is some what improving from last quarter, We gained ANOTHER CURSE… but its okay because 5 and 8 is my lucky numbers.. Anyways this quarter we had the GTS enter and our period got Alexis! She was pretty well,, talkative and in a way if I’m being honest, she kinda saw more negatives that positives when you talk with her in a conversation. However even though our period was trying our best to help her she wasn’t really here to stay and her mom eventually pulled her out of Leadership. Anyway its kinda disappointing that we lost another member but in a way that just strengthened the bond in period 5. Another lowlight is diagnostics… but for some reason they gave us 3 Weeks instead of two-three days to do it which I thought was weird and also the fact that they let us listen to music as we did it. They didn’t do that last year or in quarter one. Another major lowlight is campbell registration and just campbell in general. I hope I get the classes I want. Though I’m not so sure about a few. Final lowlight is my hair growing out I really don’t like when it goes past a specific length because then its juist like I start hating looking at it. But I cut my bangs myself this and got some help!! My hair turned out pretty alright.
This quarter really made me worry about the future way more than I should've. Not saying that I shouldn't worry about the future but to overthink it to such an extent really irks me. It just made it troubling to focus and I was absolutely scatter brained. But I managed to get myself together and reflect and my conclusion was that I should focus on the present and enjoy it while I can. Anyways another lesson I learned is that it's okay to doubt yourself. In the past I talked about having confidence and being able to stick with your decision but over this quarter I realized it's okay to doubt yourself, it's okay to not know the answers because sometimes there no way you would've known anyway. I also believe the main root of my doubt was being overwhelmed with my goals. Even though I say and do this almost all the time, I still find myself having trouble setting smaller and achievable goals then in the end when I don't progress or learn anything I feel stumped and end up doing nothing at all because of how overwhelmed I was. Then my final lesson of this quarter is to be respectful and humble even if others won't. This quarter I met some unique individuals. Its normally easy for me to keep what I want to say to myself because growing up I was always told, if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all. But when someone taunts and mocks you it gets pretty irritating. But maintaining respect and not crossing any lines and being polite and humble in the end helps avoid several scenarios.
Next quarter we will continue working on yearbook and going more in depth into orientatin. I look forward to yearbook next year and next quarter because I can't wait to complete spreads and seeing more of the pages in the yearbook get filled with colorful pictures.!! I'm mostly looking forward to finishing the SCO spreads since theres still a lot of pictures to get and some clubs to get pictures of. Anyway, moving on to Orientation, what I look forward to is mostly the script and speaking and also how orientation will be different from last year now that we have to write capsules (I'm definitely rewriting mines) and runways and well fashion shows gonna be different! I also wonder and look forward to the 7th graders if theyre speaking and stuff.
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