WB39: THE TITLE TRACK (also mongoose adventure.)
THIS WEEK::πππππ - This week was honestly like I felt so smiley the entire week? There was no reason to be. But I was also a little bit lonely since my best friend aka my Azaleahuzz... wasn't at school for a while. SPEAKING OF ABSENCES. PEOPLE WERE GETTING SICK ONE BY ONE... "they're dropping like flies!" kinda thing dude.. LIKE MY MATH PERIOD WE WERE MISSING LIKE 6-7 people. ANyways I got a hair cut lolol not noticeable but its a big improvement for me cause I hated my hair growing out, Anotehr thing that happened this week was orientation practice, andgraduation pictures. Thank god thats over. Anyways I've been obsessed with the smiths and the title track by the origami track and my favorite lyrics from that song is "If you want to be someone that you never have to hide or keep bottled up on the inside," And its not only the lyrics its the instrumental. Its upbeat and turns the gears in my brain so nicely. Like It reminds me of strained friendsh...