Weekly Blog #35 : BIPOLAR WEATHUER (05-13/ 05-16)
This week... —ππ
- this week was prettyl ike monocrhome anyways the biggest things this week is is not only the fact that it rained but mostly diagnostic. Anyways I HATE DIAGNOSTIC im not doing good on it.. . enter 7th grade was liuke minus 100 IQ from my brain. . . anyways also im stuopid, . . .like but i literally locked in for monday like. . . i fell asleep but woke up and was like. . .I KNOW THIS. AND IM SURE I GOT IT CORRECT AND LIKE I ACTUALYL STUDIED except i dont know what log is and what hypotenus is.. OH THE PWOER WENT OUT ON MONDAY!! people in period one 4 math were relaly lucky....(they didnt do testing) and mr cole made us do research on our phones cfor our childrens book project. Anyways uhh my mom thought my sister''s axolotl was going to die bc it was floating above the tank and she was getting mad at me bc who knows why and she was like. . . WHAT THE F RISELLE??!??! like um...(the axolotl isnt even dead) but if it dies any time soon, I wouldn't be surprised. It hasn't been eating and because of how bipolar the weather is (going from hot af to raining) prolly put a lot of stress on him. moovving on uggh tbh its getting rlyl busy and we have a lot of big projects for our classes like the childrens book and the outsiders final project. Honestly I don't know what to do but its literally like the ultimate assignemnt made for just .. . ranting and yaping! anywyasy moving onn kids watch some intersting things these days. . . . (errr my b rother has been watching these sonic exe things whcih is like well me too but like his fnf phase is craarzzyyy) I played my guitar lutrly everyday this week and it was so fun :3 For the ELA diagnostic im kidna stressed bc what if I dont do good yk... not like it really matters as much as it would've been for me in 6th grade. . . but maybe cause ive been reading and writing less. . . normally I used to write soo soo many stories and read all kinds of stuf. ALSO KILLIAN IS SUCH A NICE DUDE MAN. like for some reason he does this thumbs up at me whenever we're in class or by the breezeway its his way of asking "r u doing alirght?" and he said I looked really tired and bored for the past week or two and I didn't even notice I looked that way??? anyway it was really funny because i literally talkde about killian about random random ideasss like RECYCLING THOUGHTS. LIKE WHAT IF WERE RECYCILING OUR THOUGHTS?? FOR EXMAPLE OUR OPIONOINS ON PPL? or like just the same thoguth but reusing it / applying it to otehr things iykyk??!! on tuesday me azalea jacob and cassell and julian (idk how to spel his mame0) were hanging out by teh tree and casssll literally ran and frbaed on to the tree and FELL!!! (LOLOLOL LSOSOEOR!!! jkjk) it was absollutely insaanneee AND ON WENDESDAY HE WAS BEING A DISNEY PRINCESS AND LITERALLY IT WAS FUNNY BC IT WOULD BE RAINING SUPER HARD BUT THEN IT STARTED GETTING BRIGHTRE (yk when the clouds move and the sun is in view) also when we were by the tree on thursday, me and casell were literally screaming at jaydin hoping hed at least look back or give us a sign he heard us. . . BUT HE LOOKED BACK AND WE YELLED AGAIN BUT HE DINDT HEAR US BUT JOOLIN HEARD CASSELL WHEN SHE CAME BACK mooving on the Avid sub on thursday was actuayl rlly chill she let us have a free period because she said get a least half the work done cause ygs are wokring on it on tuesday anwatyand we did a 1,000 piece puzzle and our goal is to get it complete before the end of school. when (IF) we get it done, someones gonna get the honor of holding the puzzle or throwing it into all its seperate pieces again!! omg for my game aka honkai star rail, the player got a glimspe of Aventurine's backstory and hes a really good character and I like how they developed and built his character (i wrote an entire multiple paged anaylsis in a doc. . . im going insane I DID TAHT INSTEAD OF MY ELA PROJECT WHICH ACTUALLY MATTERS>>>) and anwayys im stuck on a boss fight and now i actually need to build my team. . . literlly has me using characters I never though I'd use EVER. anyayys also on thursday I worked box and alma mater!! I THINK I DID A GREAT JOB HONESTLY LIKE I DIDNT MESS UP (that was like my first time doing alma mater bymsefl and i wanted to come back better cause i messed up last time i worked box .... smh) NAOMI IS LITERALLYS O SILLY AND CASSELL IS SO FUNNY TO BC WHAT THE HEY WAS HE DOING AT THE TREE LOL.... speaking of the tree, jaocb got in troube at the tree (stop trying to cut down the tree!!! with a leaf!! youre not him!! lilololo) oh also crazy thing. .. .johnlester said that to my friend that they had their own gravitational pull but if thats true, he has the whole universve. . . how dare u make fun of them bru YOU CANT BE TALKING.... :/// ) (sticking out youtr gyatt fir the rixzzler - dylan) err what the hay dylan. . . movoing on uhh on wednesday me and somoene litrly it was the first time they asked if they could get a hug from me!! normally im the one giving them. . . but anyywas this weeek was preertty oaky decent.. coulda been bettter....OMG WAIT WE HAVE NEOGUHT PICTUERS FOR GRAD SLIDESHOW BTW JUST WATING ON CAP N GOWN FOTOPHOTOS!!!!!!!!!! yaya...zzzzz..z.z.z.
Highlights... —
- this week someone gave me a free book. Everytime I pull it out of my bag though, someone tries to take it from me (yeah zyzhia) anyways Im feeling pretty confident on the math diagnostic thought I do think that it will be my downfall. . . LOL! Anyways moving on. . . another highlight of the week is that I got to hang out with someone who I really appreciate. I’m glad I can just talk about the most random things and even have some deep conversations with them. It’s really like weird though cause im not used to talking about really just things in my mind to someone other than myself. In addition another highlight of the week was that I played my guitar practically everyday this week. . . my motivation being “to distract myself from frustrations.” I learned how to play two songs, R U Mine and another one but I kinda forgot. . . err yeag!@! Anyways a final highlight was staying afterschool on tuesday. Not only was I there to witness cassell’s fall but I also got to talk to mal and THATS WHEN I GOT THE BOOK!!! (that book is kinda freakuy0) IH ALSO ONE MORE HIGHLIGJT: BAND CONCERT ON MAY 17!! Dude mal is so silyy..poor Jacob being the middle dude.. ANYWYAS CASSELLS MOM IS SO CHILL THANK GOD I GOT HME!! BAND WAS RLLY COOL I LIKED THE PIRATES OF THE CARRIBEAN AND THE LAST ONE THEY DID (forgot the name)
Lowlights... —
- s huge lowlight and a thought thats being hangig ove rmy head is the fact that . . . my 7th grade year is almost over. That was. . . really fast. . . like honestly. I remember first quarter when i struggled on the stage in the court hard when we were working on volume for presenting bio cubes. . . I remember retreat like yesterday! it was literally so fun and i still remember the stupid shenanigans at night and me putting joseph upside down. . . another lowlight of the week is that it rained A LOT. BIPOLAR WEATHER FR BRO like there were literall waves outside .. . also i got my pants went and i could feel it sticking to my skin. . . if I had to chose between that feeling and gouging my eyes out, Id choose to gouge my eyes out. !! Another lowlight is well I dont feel like doing anything. . . but i gotta suck it up ykwimm..zzzzzzzzzz final lowlight is that er my mom was like going a bit err craycrat and this month is getting really busy for me outisde of school. wait i lied the final lowlight was being paired witb KEANI. its lnot like its onan stop me fromgetting work done its just she freaks me out. . . in a bad way. . . really uncomfrotable kind of way. . . eyah.
Lesson Learned ... —
-Don't think so highly of someone until you actually get to know them or don't assume you know who they are as a person just based on your few interactions. You never know who they really are unless you actually put the time and effort into getting to know about them. You don’t really understand them completely nor do you know what they’re capable of. Don’t just assume who they are based on a first impression. Though it seems to just be automatic, getting to know someone helps you know who they really are. How they stand out and how they aren’t just someone you created in your mind based on glances and first impressions.

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