YEAR OF 2023-2024 : GOODBYE 7TH!
This YEAR... —π¦π¦
-(im honestly dreading this blog. . . which is the first cause I always kinda look forward to blogs) okay im back after like a day (hey y'all I’m going to try make all my spelling and grammar correct for this one hopefully I can summarize this year fast) All I can say is... WOAH. this year went by really fast. . . I still remember the first day of bridge when everyone was sitting in the cafe. I also remember writing my first blog. . . I thought it was like an ELA assignment that I needed to make sure all my grammar was correct, and I needed to construct it like an ELA essay. . . but after doing more than like 30 blogs, THANK GOD I DIDN"T CONSTRUCT ALL OF MY BLOGS LIKE THAT. Also, I remember when my blog was just the basic... bg and stuff thank God I found out how to edit it. . . (I think it was mal who taught me?) Anyways This year was pretty much good overall. I honestly can’t wait for next year, but I really don’t want to say goodbye to this one either. This year was filled with so many memories. . . If I'm really honest, I never thought I would be so involved in school. I first heard about the leadership program from my aunty in 8th grade. I also heard about it from my mom's coworker who was in leadership when she was in middle school. However, I'm pretty sure it was another guy teaching it at her time. Anyway, they both said that it was a really good way of getting yourself involved in things and making memories. In addition, my aunty told me that Gabby was in leadership! I remember talking to Gabby with my friend Kylie and it was really funny because she was at my silly proposal. Anyways I never thought I would see so many 8th graders from holomua in leadership. . . like the ones that really surprised me was mostly Jayna, Dominic, Joolin!?!? and Leyla!! I remember when I first met Leyla in 5th grade because she was really good friends with Shantel who my best friend was too. At the time in 5th grade, I was like. . . really scared of people especially the 6th graders. LIKE I WOULD AVOID ALL INTERACTIONS. . . yeah. I was a weirdo. errrm anyways I'm going too far back let me talk more about this year... BASCIALLY, I THOUGHT I WANTED TO DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING FOR MY ENTIRE MIDDLE SCHOOL YEARS. But then I changed my mind because I lowkey wanted to impress my mom (and because my aunty suggested I should join because she was like "you'd probably fit right in there and have fun. . . THANK YOU AUNTY) and honestly just do something with my middle school life because I put like lots of thought, and I started to fear wasting those two years and being "wasted potential" But I'm really glad I got in the leadership. I was lucky because Mr. Ing mentioned how there were SO MANY interviews that they couldn't get everyone. I remember showing up to my interview actually. . . EXCITED? like why? I Dunno. . . anyways I was really excited and not really nervous because I was quite confident in my abilities. Okay anyways time skip,(or else I'm gonna be here forever) I got in and bridge was really fun and so was workdays basically the entire summer had something for me to do (i would've rotted in bed all summer) MOVING ON TO FIRST QUARTER! first quarter included introductions to daily jobs that we did throughout the year (MY FAVORITES WERE INTROS AND MUSIC!! making bio cubes were really fun and presenting them was even better. then we had flag football and other intramurals omg the volume thingy (I wonder if ill do better next year cause I think I got better with volume). . . I ALSO MADE SOSO MANY FRIENDS! I never thought I would make so many. . . and then after quarter one was RETREAT!! literally the best thing ever. That was quick now on to 2nd quarter. . . the GTs arrived!!! Dylan, Jacob, and Naomi!! we were introduced to yearbook!! which nearly killed us nearing the end of that quarter... uhh it's hard to summarize the year cause there's like a lot and if I focus all on each one. . . IM GONNA BE HERE TYPING THIS FOREVER. . . anyways I wish I could just automatically type everything. . . OH okay so in 2nd quarter. . . WE HAD NHD (worst worst worst worst worst project ever) For one, I worked with Johnlester. BUt now I know the importance of knowing your peers because HE DIDN"T DO JACKSHIT... YK HOW HARD IT IS TO RESEARCH AND GET 63-85 SOURCES, HOW HARD IT WAS TO TYPE OUT ALL THE WORDS AND BE BELOW WORD LIMIT. . . everything he gave me was just really shitty man like I'm being straight up. I did the topic that HE CHOSE. sigh. anyways I'm gonna be completely honest, NHD was time consuming but if I had to rate my work on that out of 10, it would be a 1. Not trying to be harsh but if I actually chose another topic and just worked with someone other than johnlester, I probably would've had my way with this project and go literally all out. What I did at NHD that was like my minimum that was all my work though. . . Even though it got like to district. but anyway, I'm being serious. Like I know I could do way more. But honestly it was pretty weird cause NHD made me learn how strong of a work ethic I have. . . not in just that but literally in everything I do. Things need to look a certain way or have certain principles or else I'll like. . . I'll just not like it. okay sorry I hated NHD. Next year I'll try harder. . to be partners with someone actually good. . . anyways back to the GTs. . . really fun talking to them. Honestly first impression of dylan was that hes weird but I think that he could do a lot he just needs to understand. . . but overall hes a pretty funny guy! (it was kind of stressful having to make him an email and getting him on to blogger and band. . . ) uhh overall second quarter was rlly fun I think we had our interviews at the start of third quarter so I was already getting started with throughout 2nd quarter just to be extra prepared. So basicakly what I did for my interview was play the ukulele again and made an animation and presentation!!! fun fun. ALSO MAGIC NOTES (they were a handful but really fun. .. its nice having osmething to look forward too each week.) 3rd quarter was way better thanhow we ended off 2nd. it was really busy and we needed to get our act together. also I think I moved at that time. anyways working with char is always so fun. . . we made a roller coaster for our project!! fishing was also there too wihich was really awesomeee!! and I started changing my music tastes and shifting it around a bit. . . SPEAKING OF MUSIC TASTES, BRO IN 1ST QUARTER I DIDN"T KNOW MAL KNEW ABOUT DESCENDENTS. I THOUGHT THAT IT WAS ONLY A ME THING BC literally everyone thinks I'm talking about the movvieee.s..... like no bru... anyways I also cut my hair like before 3rd quarter... (I'll cut it again but maybe by someone who I actually trust lmao) 4th quarter was honestly a race against time for me. cause I had so much to do in school and outside of school. .. (though I never really did mention it_) anyways ORIENTATION! really fun. .. but I got sick on like wednesday and spent my entire day memorizing my script.. looking back I SHOULD"VE LOOKED MORE HAPPY TO BE HTER LAMDLKSAJDOAISDJASLKJA. okay anyway I actuaully went to the libarary that quarter which was pretty funny. we also had the math family nite. . . HOW DID I GIVE MYSELF A HICKEY BRU. also dance comp!!! 3PEATT!!!!!!!!!! then finally we read the outsiders and had class day which was really fun fun. (hopefiully I dind't yap too much I made sure to wrap it up quuick!!) then this year on like my life outside of school. . . I bought a guitar, moved twice, and my sister performed in a theatre... uhhh overall lots of fun!!
Highlights & Lowlights ... —
- … There were MANY MANT HIGHLIGHTS THIS YEAR. So, I’ll focus on the “big highlights” first. so the first one was definetly retreat. Looking back on it, I wish we did more for sychronized swiming.. anyway the. . . Pd 3 chop was soso funny. . . (err our shit apples) anyways moving on I lliterally lost my voice on the day after the schyronized swiming for retreat. . . Period one's sychronized swimming was literally such a great thing to watch . . . It was funy when jaydin held the sign upside down. Another highlight was orientation. . . I got to talk with some elementary kids and see my teacher from 6th grade again. Her students thoguh are pretty like the handful . . . Another highlight would just be like all the adviosires and lunches I spent in A101. It's really like awesome because A101 had so many other people before us who made so many memories. And like in addtion leadership just in general is just filled with soso many unique people and some even with similar interests. . . AS YOU! like in Q1 I remember Mal asked me about descendents. . . and I was like kind of in awe because like. . . EVERYONE THINKS OF THE MOVIE!!! It was pretty unbeliebeable bc I never ever found someone who listened to descedents despite them having like 800,000 listeners. . .Anyways another highlight would be all the struggles that I went throguh in leadership with "the people in the dark blue shirts" and just the entire group as a whole and even the times I dreaded going to school because I didn't want to go to Pd 3!! Also I enjoyed the times we took pictures on the computers in the photo booth and the KAROKE AND ALL THE FUNNY YOUTUBE VIDEOS ALL THE SHENANIGANS, PROCRASTINATION, AND PRODUCTIVITY. . . anyways another highlighy was makinh sososo many friends. I geniunely thought my middle school experience was just gonna be plain! plain! plain! but I'm glad I have a good group of friends that are pretty real and that I can count on and just literally just be pretty genuine. ALSO FAMILY NITES ARE MY OTHER HIGHLGIHT ESPECIALLY MATH AND ELECTIVES. The first one, i stained my yellows (it wont come off still..._) and math I gave myself a hickey on the forehead. . . im such an idiot SDJASKDA. Another highlight was class day. That was really fun learning how to iceskate and falling on the ground 2-3 times. Anyways my final highlight would be aloha dinner because even though we're seeing the 8th graders again next year or next next year, I just felt really sentimental cause I STILL REMEMBER HOW QUIET IT WAS ON THE FIRST DAY OF BRIDGE. I thought leadership was going to be a regular class that I just do well normal things. . . but this is like the only class that ACTUALLY teaches me something that I will actually be able to bring on into my life. Moving on to lowlights. Lowlights of the year would be all the times I reflected over things and realized so many dozens of ways I could've done better on things. Another lowlight would be moving a lot this year. its been quite a handful and theres I chance I may or may not move again but I honestly I do care just I'm confident that my friends won't just POOF and forget about me just because I'm not where they are. Another lowlight would be all the times I got introuble by my mom when she got pissed that I got dates wrong, times wrong, when i stayed longer than I said I would but I'm grateful she still picked me up each time. Another lowlight of the year would basically be all teh struggles and drama we went throguht this year but without those I would've be who I am today and everyone else too.
Lessons Learned ... —
- I've learned a lot of things over this school year. One of them being well I have a strong work ethic and my definition of "good enough" is apparently really . . . high and for some, too much. Anyways I've become a really reliable and trustworthy person in leadership and many people in this class and even outside of school are able to rely on me with things they normally wouldn't trust others doing. Another lesson I've learned is to take initative. Taking initiative is basically doing something without being told to. It's something that my mom talks about a lot. When our short lasting winter decorations were taken down I was some what dissapointed because I spent 10 hours on those penguins. . . but at least I learned the importance of taking initiative from . . . lights and decorations. Another lesson I learned is mistakes are inevitable but make sure you learn from them and DONT LET THEM HAPPEN AGAIN! Another is don't take things personally because sometimes people need to be honest and being honest to someone can not only help them grow but also help you work together even better. In addition don't meddle into others business and make yourself a part of rising conflict. Conflict only makes problems and you don't want to be part of the problem. If you are, then confronting as soon as possible is the only way to fix it. Another lesson I've learned is that time is limited and that you can't push back deadlines. Another lesson being how to manage my stress and not let things overwhelm me or even over complicate things. Another thing I've learned is that you should stop caring what people think because over all. . . DOES IT REALLY MATTER? In truth it really doesn't. Sometimes doing something embarassing or just jumping straight out of your comfort zone will make you happier and have less regerts/ In addition a final lesson that I learned is that you shouldn't assume or sterotype people. Not everyone is the same and not everyone may be all that different. Plus if you were to take sides without knowing each side, you only look stupid. OKAY FINAL LESSON LEARNED: communcation is important in addition it's easier to be honest instead of lying and having to remember your lie.

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