THIS WEEK:: π½π½π½
was pretty alright.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM I LOVE GOU SOO MUCH THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING YOU DO ..anyways the bad thing of thrus week was the part where i go back to school… anyway but overall this winterbreak was pretty good despite me not doing much but I posted three times! in two weeks! HAHA IN YOUR FACE! New years was pretty fun too even though my ears were ringing for like an hour and a half later. This year i wanna actually commit to improving my artwork and animation techniques because last year I said I would do it but didn’t also because I’m not necessarily scared but I just don’t wanna fall behind to my own standards for myself. I just really wanna improve and be actually proud of the things I make. This week I started reading this comic called Sprcial Civil Servant where this guy literally gets this secret civil service job unwillingly after meeting a monster in this yellow dust in the mountains when he was trying to put his dads death behind him. And it’s funny because the one day he doesn’t show up to work? There were like 40 attacks in the mountains one after the other. Anyways I worked on all my unfinished gifts and art debts and finally gave them to people after procrastinating I wanted to start the year off strong because honestly I don’t wanna fall behind. This week we set up mics for a spelling bee.. PRACTICE. Why can’t they practice on they’re own time?? I remember in private school they had spelling bees and the only practice you got was what you practiced AT HOME. Anyways moving on we worked IDs this week and Jacob was absent for like two days π±!! I also played Roblox with Ariya and Cheyanne it was so fun lol. Also another thing that happened as that Sienna cut open the squishy thing that Alex had(?) and it had this slimy thing inside and it was super annoying to wash off.. but it was pretty silly. I told myself I wanted to do volleyball but I realized my schedule for the next two weeks won’t allow it and also because I already have two sports and that’s honestly more than enough for me. (That’s basically me just saying I don’t want to anymore in fancy wording.) ANYWAYS SONIC THREE COMES OUT ON STREAMING PLATFORMS JANUARY 21. ALSO MY FIGURINE I SAW ON EBAY FOR LOKE 150, I got it for 50 at Walmart which is basically way betteerr hahahaheheheh… ANYWAYS IT COMES IN ON MONDAY IM SO EXCITED. This week was pretty short..in a bad way I guess because it’s just a reminder of how THE CYCLE STARTS ALL OVER AGAIN. But it’s okay. I guess. Maybe. Oh wells.we’re also working on magic notes and advisory math again AHHFJWKNDRJW
My highlights of this week is that during the last few days of winter break me and my friends made some really funny moments together once again ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY ASKED ME WHERE TACO BELL WAS LOCATEDNOMG.. that was so funy..and we played this Roblox game called no big deal and cassell says “Is that a bomb?” Then we all obliterated. Also pillar chase is really fun. I ALSO GOT MORE GUITAR PICKS (finally) and I’m learning bebadobee songs (I’m sorry if I spelt that wrong I’m in a rush) and overall it’s been really fun with my guitar.. SOMEONE I NEED TO REPLACE MY GUITSR STRINGS OMG I LEEP FORGETING. I’ve also been drawing more and it’s a huge improvement and accomplishment on my part. I’ve finished around 4 drawings already within the first two weeks of this year. And some animatics in progress. Okay. So I know I talk about this movie AND THESE GAMES WAY TO MUCH FOR MY OWN GOOD BUT I HAVE NO ONE ELSE TO TALK ABOUT IT TOO (I do but I’m probably irritating) so I’ll talk about it here. OKAY SO I FEEL LIKE SONIC 4 IS PROBABLY GOING TO BE FOLLOWING SONIC HEROES AND I REALLT HOPE THEY MAKE AMY A BADASS LIKE IM BEING SO SERIOUS. Also metal sonic my absolute goat like he’s seriously my favorite and he has so many variants my favorite is probably Neo metal sonic and since it’s following sonic heroes and are main antagonist is probably metal sonic or maybe someone form behind the scenes I have not clue but it’s probably gonna follow the IDW comics too since metal sonic is a threat still even withoit Eggman. Also shadow is still alive and I really like how they set up his like appearance or introduction as natural unlike his spinoff and even though some Sonic games are absolutely ass and can’t keep consistent characterization and always tends to butcher characters especially like Sonic and shadow, you can always count on the soundtrack to be absolutely peak and ABSOULTELY AWESOME. Anyways I can see why they set it up that way that way it’s more natural and they can talk about how shadow came form maybe another planet and that could be in reference to black doom having him search for chaos energy without him knowing or maybe he does know but then I wonder how that would look like.. maybe it could be like shadow was originally sent out on some sorta mission and was knocked off course landing on earth. also I believe they said if their movie aka Sonic three goes off the charts (they got 1,000,000,000 box office) they’d make a shadow series just like knuckles sorta kinda did. Anyways I believe that this shadow series could potentially be very essential and could either introduce more characters or kill its self but I’m not sure so I won’t really know..but anyways Sonic 4 or the series. I think that it can start off with like with shadow gets put into a capsule because he kinda did destroy a lot of crap in the movie and GUN needs to fix it all.. but then it’s kind of crazy since Sonic4 happens RIGHT after Sonic 3’s post credits. Like almost immediately. In the series they would probably no way it makes sense they’d probably have metal sonic building his legion that way it’ll be like a huge threat in Sonic 4. I’m gonna stop here before I write to much.. but yeah that’s one of my highlights giyszzzz
Lowlights of this week is my messed up sleep schedule I haven’t gotten a good amount of sleep all week.. and with school I’ll only be making myself lose my mind on purpose. Also sleeping in is apart of that problem because I have to go lengths to wake myself up and sometimes my eyelids feel so heavy they don’t wanna stay open. Another lowlight is that Mrs Mili and Dr Heloca aren’t gonna be here for a bit.. well Dr Heloca isn’t bad he’s gonna be gone for three weeks but I hate the sun for him like she’s kinda irritating… and then Mrs Mili is gonna be GONE ALL THE WAY UNTIL MAY. Crazy shit bro.
Over the week I learned I have major commitment issues. I always tell myself I should finish what I started but when it’s just so tempting to start something new because of an idea I get and I want to keep chasing that feeling I get when I execute that idea the way I envisioned it, (a feeling of like accomplishment or awe.) and when it goes my way I just feel so joyful. But when I fail to follow through with it I lose motivation and try again. Which you might counter that it’s a good thing to try again but my rebuttal is that I tend to let my feelings lead rather than my rational side. It’s like when you have certain steps to do something. I’m the type of person to easily skim through the steps and if I don’t REMMEBER I totally won’t it in situations.My focus can be else where sometimes and I guess that’s why sometimes I don’t stick with most things I say I do.
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