WB32: SONIC ZOMBIES. 🧟‍♂️🧟‍♂️🧟‍♂️


-  This week things were pretty normal but mostly yearbook, orientation, and magic notes. Anyways Mr Damo needs to like stop putting the chromebook lock like wdym I can't do the practice YOU ROLD US TO DO FOR HOMEWORK... because you put it on CHROMEBOOK LOCK. anyways this week I axtually went to revisit 2018 because I believe I was in 2nd grade.. ANyways I listened to FNAF songs again. Like and my brother is getting intersted in it and I know a lot about it... to much for my own good... ANYWAYS THE MUSIC SLAPS JUST AS HARD AS THEY DID BEFORE. LIKE HOLY MOLY TRIP DOWN MEMORY LANE. I really love rewatching minecraft animations and those my little pony ones that are actually so dark.... like they executed ponies and stuff... Anyways I found this song called "White Room" by Cream and Its been one of my favorite songs and really inspires me. I also started recording my thoughts down and stuff like how people write in their notes app or in a journal. I'm sure I'm gonna really love reading back on some of them. Anyways Computer Science... is not my favorite class... but I mean its fun but I STILL DONT HAVE A NOTEBOOK AND THERES SO MANY DAMN NOTES. like AND THE FONT SIZE. ITS SO SMALL.... :sob: Anyways on friday there was ISA and this BIG ASS MOTH flew inside and ALEX SCARED ME. OMG and there was that roach in advisory... Speaking of advisory, SPirit week and cheerr off planing also happened. Anyways We also read the giver in ELA and also for 8-3 I have no idea who else is doing the synchronized swimming with me alex and cassell and naomi but I SURE HOPE IT AINT JOHNLESTER. (sorry bro but nope) Anyways Jacob introduced me to SONIC ZOMBIES. Okay so let me talk about it now!!! Okay so it starts off on christmas! Sonic's driving in his hummer and theyre havign a christmas party! Shadow Rouge Amy Tails Knuckles and Cream are there and then it turns out ZOMBIES ARE EVERYWHERE. And cream gets biten and knuckles gets biten too anyways they go to the airport to get outta tere and like knuckles turns into a red monster and shadow has guns and anyways wreck it ralp and spider man were there. They beat up knuckles then they get outta there. But how did the zombies start? Well Big the Cat actually started it by putting germs on the hamburger patties and feeduing them to people. skiping some parts Anyways my favorite is sonic vengeance. So it starts off with shadow sonic, and the gang (tails amy rouge) going to find somewhere to take shelter since they were on a boat for days... anyways they find a island place but it turns out eggman (who fell off a building a few parts ago) IS BACK. and he tries to merge sonic and with the zombies but it only results in Sonic becoming Werehog sonic or in Sonic Zombies, HORNHOG. And its so funny because all he keeps saying is Hooba dooba and yaba doba looba. and like what happens is that KNUCKLES COMES BACK. AS A VAMPIRE? EVEN THOUGH HE DIED. AND HIM AND HORNHOG SONIC FIGHT IT OUT. I really love sonic zombies its so freaking funny like I'm gonna watch all 3 hours of the entire thing bro. I'm only like a little less than half? or half way finished and its so WILD LIKE WHERE DID SPIDER MAN AND MARIO COME FROM??? AND GODZILLA?


 SCO HAS ONLY 10 MORE PICTURES LEFT! HAHAHA! I literally locked in for thursday and friday... (We had 25 pictures before I decided to LOCK TF IN) Another highlight is that jacob introduced me to SONIC ZOMBIES. It is absolutely peak like I LOVE IT SO MUCH ITS SO FUNNY. Another highlight is that we started magic notes!! (FINALY) We were supposed to start last quarter but last quarter was kinda crazy... Anyways another highlight is that WE WORKED MUSIC. I love music like IM BEING SO SERIOUS. Also another highligt! Math was easy this week THANK THE LORD. FINAL HIGHLIGHT! So over last week and this week I made a small funny video about A WHOLE STICK OF BUTTER. (I like animated and stuff) Anyways I posted it on my public art account and it got like 3K views!! Like my phone was blowing up and its so funny because I posted it at like 12 AM then went to sleep and woke up at 5 AM and it had like 900 views and I was like... WOAH?!! 


- One of my major lowlights is THE SCIENCE SUB. OH MY GOODNESS. Like shes so slow... I don't even think she knows what shes doing. Okay anyways what happened was that we were doing a test and our work BUT THEN SHE WAS LIKE SHUFFLING THE PAPERS BEHIND ME. Like BRO, AND SHE KEPT MOVING THE PAPERS AROUND... LIKE ALL I COULD HEAR WAS krkrkrkrkkrkrkkakkarkrkr....... and she was like dragging it out it was so irritating honestly becuase I literally couldn't focus. My next lowlight is that my brother got the flu again and now I might get sick.. But I hope I can just get over it quickly. My other lowlight is that MY SHADOW FIGURINE DIDN"T COME IN IT WAS SUPPOSED TO COME ON MONDAY. Also final lowlight is that we didn't get pictures of hawaiian club :( 



- Toxic Self Talk  Motivation. It's easy to think negatively of yourself and I always catch even myself doing that. Telling yourself "You can't do this" or "You're so bad at this" and running on "Toxic Fuel" might not affect you at first but in the long run, you'll be the one preventing yourself from progressing or growing. It makes you doubt your abilities and lose faith in yourself!  This mindset you build for yourself contributes to how much you can do.  If you keep telling yourself negative things, the only one it'll affect is you. I've started to hate when people talk negatively of themselves even though there are times when I do it to... But saying, "I'll fail anyway why try?" IT JUST IRRITATES ME. It's better to try than not do anything at all. Anyways, Toxic Self Talk will only burn yourself out. Instead, you should use real motivation. Celebrate those small achievements! "I got two seconds in my animation after 5 hours" Well that's better than nothing! You made progress thats all that matters. Motivation isn't boosted by low self-talk! It should be uplifting and positive. What motivation means to people is different for everyone but for me I realized that it means to see the good in yourself and your situation while still maintaining a realistic perspective. Or it can mean having random bursts of ideas Like I get inspired be random stuff everyday like red star cut outs. Anyways what I'm saying, your mindset should be uplifting not degrading and closed off. 


My favorite magic notes were from Ariya, Anela, and Cheyanne! Anyways I really liked Anela's magic note to me because it made smile and made me really happy. I really liked how she talked about how be both have obsessions over things lol! ANyways Ariya's one I love how she talked about period 5 shenanigans and ROBLOX! I love playing roblox with people omg its so fun. And my final favorite is Cheyanne. Her magic note to me made me laugh because of the part where she said she thought I was going to kick her and call her a loser... I would NEVER LMAO I really like how first impressions can be theyre so funny. 


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