THIS WEEK:: πŸ’€πŸ’₯

-was literally so freaking cold. Not to mention I got sick too. Maybe I should've gotten those flu shots sooner.. First It started with my aunty but then she came over and got my brother sick then me then my dad... Bro being sick is so ass like I always forget how utterly awful it is. Sometimes I like to imagine conversations in my head as like building blocks. You come up with topics as your "blocks" and the other persons various responses are the various other blocks you can put inbetween your conversation topics. That way you have like an arsenal of things to talk about! But well preparing for conversation isn;t has great because one of the major flaws is that almost every conversation is unpredictable. I remember at some point I came up with 50 conversation starters and 25 topics to talk about afterwards. In the end I only talked about like a few of them......Anyways yeah as I was sick I kinda just imagined how I could respond if someone said this but I also think about how certain answers tell you more about a person. Like if I said this, it'll frame me as some sort of self centered person but if I said this I'd sound like I wasn't interested. You know what I mean right? Anyways this week my period had TV! AND SURPRSINGLY EVEN THOUGH I MISSED TWO DAYS, THINGS WENT WELL! I actually can't believe that I missed two days bro like I was supposed to only miss one. Anyways math was pretty alright i got a bit confused but its because I needed to review. So over the weekend I'll review. Anyways also I don't know how I feel about comp science. Its easy but I guess I just don't like taking notes and doing the vocab words every week.... Anyways I haven't finished sonic zombies but I have finished watching sonic's story for sonic adventure again but I also started watching dexter again and eh the shows alright I mean I'm still interested I guess. Also I was thinking about ninjago's setting and how inconsistent it is becuase when the show starts, the desert is right outside of the city but in later seasons the city is surrounded by water.. But that was before nya and the entire town flooded. So It wouldn't follow up if it was after the entire city was sumbmerged and the water some ohw drained out the desert. Anyways metal sonic is so cool espeically eno metal sonic. Speaking of metal sonic I worked on my ibis paint brushes and they look sooo fire like I can't wait to draw even more of metal sonic/ LOST ISLAND?!??!?! anyways that was pretty much my week. 


 Highlights of the week was that I made a small animation!! Toonsquid is probably my favorite app to use now. Anyways also another highlight is that my package got delayed.. but thats a good thing becuase now I have something to look forward too. ALSO THE BIGGEST HIGHLIGHT OF THIS WEEK WAS SONIC 3 ON STREAMING PLATFORMS. I CNANOT WAIT TO WATCH IT 50x ALL DAY. LIKE I"ME IM SO EXCITED. Dude another higlight is that cassell made me look back on old things that i've said or done and I"M SO GLAD I AM NOT LIKE THAT TODAY LIKE IF I WAS... I WOULD JUMP OFF A CLIFF... Anyways I'm glad that I've grown into new things like a new style and a new like hobbies and interests... Like sonic the hedgehog... 


- This week I feel behind on work and whenever I fall behind on work I get overwhelmed but I think it's funny becuase it'll be like only 4-5 things to do but for somereason even though theyre supposed to take like what 3-4 hours it takes me double or even triple that because I can't focus on what I'm supposed to be doing and i just keep going from screen or tabt o the next. Like right now I'm doing my blog which I should've been able to finish in like less than 40 minutes but I have like three other tabs open witht hings I'm watching as I'm typing my blog out... You migiht tell me just close the tabs but some how I won't even like notice and I'll already be back on the tab I'm not supposed to be on. ANother lowlight is math becuase I keep forgetting my lefts and rights and which one is a positive slope and which is a negative... POSTIVE POINTS RIGHT NEGATIVE POINTS LEFT.  Final lowlight would be not practicing my guitar because of how sick I've been feeling.



- Lesson learned of the week, I need ;earn how to limit my naps. This week I took a nap for 30 minutes at least thats what I told myself. That was until I woke up and instead of it being 3:30 it was 5:40 and that was like two hours more than what I was supposed to be napping. In summary I should actually set multiple alarms in case i don't wake up to the first one. 


- My favorite magic notes are from Ariya, Emma, Naomi, and Meygan! I literally love Meygans magic notes? Her handwriting reminds me of 2nd grade and I honestly thought it was an exaggeration that I know so much.. But I didn't know I was perceived that way. Naomi's one is also my favorite cause  I didnt realize I was perceived as nonchalant lol. Also I love ARiyas because I'm glad I have an energy that people like to be around and I love how BRAINROTTED my period members are lol. ESPECIALLY EMMMAS. THATS WHY SHES  ALSO MY OTHER FAOVRITE MAGIC NOTE. SHES SO FUN TO YAP WITH. 


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