Weekly Blog #11 : WILD WOWS (10/23-10-27)

This week... —🦎🦎
The week was an eventful one…one of the biggest things is the fact that I officially left Strictly Ill and joined fishing. We tore the skin off from the Mahi-mahi…IM LIKE SO WEAK LOL…Mr. Ing was making so many funny jokes about the fish and Jayden…I swear Mr.Ing made my first fishing class fun. I can’t wait for the next one with one. Also GT has become apart of our class…ykk Naomi is so sweet and I love her little rat she brought. It reminds me of my little pet rats!!! Also this week I came up with this absolutely brilliant idea. So what if…what if dinosaurs WERE NOT EXTINCT. However, they were itty bitty and tiny AND CAN BE PUT INTO JARS?? We also had family nite for social studies this week!! Sadly Me Jayna and Alex missed Linner but we got McDonald’s! Also I learned how to make leis at the station I was working at...Reese literally was on a roll like she made a super long lei...I made cool tiny ones! I also brought Tails and my lizard to school…but I honestly don’t know what my lizard’s name is any more…he just has multiple names now so likeeee I didn’t keep track—ALSO BRO PERIOD 1 TIED UP TAILS WITH TAPE. ALSO SPEAKING OF TYING UP, Jayna is like a professional kidnapper…but I'M AN ESCAPE ARTIST! 

Highlights... —
My first highlight of my week was when me and Mal switched clothes. She said my camo shorts were so fire and that we should go thrift shopping together….WHICH IS ABSOLUTELY TRUE… My second highlight of them week is fishing club!! I’m very happy that I left Strictly Ill…I honestly wasn’t having fun…but I’m also glad that my friends respected my decision…Anyway’s in fishing class, we got to tear the skin off the Mahi-mahi and take some home! My third highlight is that I watched Coraline and I was literally so happy and got so many ideas! My brain was like exploding!! ONE OF THE IDEAS WAS A PERSON WITH BUTTON EYES AND AN ARM OF NEEDLES!!!!!!! MY FINAL HIGHLIFHT IS THAT I LEARNED HOW TO MAKE LEIS! ITS ACTUALLY REALLY EASY AND FUN!! I struggled at first though…got the gist of it after watching many people do it :3

Lowlights... —
My first lowlight was that I almost got hit by a car when I was crossing the street…THE CAR WASN’T EVEN SUPPOSED TO TURN… people drive like really dumb…as I was walking, I even saw someone swerving... Another lowlight was that on my way to science, I was walking in the breezeway on the side until BOOM SPLAT. I GOT SPAT ON. IT EVEN FELL FROM ABOVE…. It was literally so disgusting and gross…I WAS ALREADY HAVING A BAD DAY TOO… My final lowlight is that my tiny fish died this week…How? Shrugs :\ welp I guess I’ll figure it out…

Lesson learned... —
some people need to learn how to drive...like u don't swerve like some drunk person or like turn WHEN UR NOT SUPPOSED TO...likee imagine if I did get hit by a car...that would've been WILLD....

Favorite Magic Note... —

Is Jayden’s magic note! This entire week we talked mainly about the most random things our brains could think of…like JEWELYN EVAPORATING INTO TURTLES!! This week I found like a bunch of silly animal photos of cats and racooons andd I sent them to practically everyone at random times and me and Jayden talked about how if he were literally just a cat, he could like….RESPAWN!! ALSO ALSOO I LOVE THE LITTLE CAT DRAWING!! I even drew a cat on Jayden’s magic note too!1!1!!1 



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