THIS WEEK:: πŸ₯žπŸ₯ž

- Heyo guys this week looks fairly better than last week. If anything I guess last week gets the limited and honorable title of "worst week of 2025" Anyways moving on from last week. This week was pretty much way better. Intramurals is finally over, I always mix that up with ISA but also ISA there was soccer. I got mud all over my s hoes... ANYWAYS THIS WEEK I READ THREE BOOKS! THOSE BOOKS WERE RESTART, THEY BOTH DIE AT THE END, AND BOY WITH THE BUTTERFLY MIND. ANYWAYS MY FAVORITE HAS TO BE THEY BOTH DIE AT THE END..IT WAS DOOMED FORM THE START>. but I really like how long the book was and how it allowed the readers to actually get connected to the characters and get sad at the end when they die. THEY DIED IN THE DUMBEST WAY POSSIBLE LIKE IMN ACUTALLY FLIPING OUT. ANyways the other book restart is about chase who hits his head after falling off a roof. He was a bully so think of him getting amnesia from falling off the roof as his "second chance" Moving on boy with the butterfly mind! basically jamie and elin are the main characters. Actually fun fact th ebooks ive been reading theyve all been seperated into different perspectives and they arent like chapters. WHich I think is raelly cool. Like itll say Jamie and the pacing still continues but from another chractes perspective. Its really cool seeing how other characters see each other and how they differ. For example Jamie wanted to be friens with Elin but Elin (also basically the story is that their families combine and Jamie wants to be acccepted but ELin hates him. Also Jamie has ADHD.) anyways Elin HATES JAMIE. but feels guily and anyways yeah It was like the type of books youd probably anazlye in elementary. with the, Whos Elins stepdad? yk. ANyways another thing I did this week was watch evangelion. The main character of evangelion is Shinji Ikari. PEOPLE MISUNDERSTAND HIS CHARACTER SO EASILY becuase its so easy to ge tmad at him. Shinji is just a confused 8th-9th grader whose supposed to be going to highschool instead of fighting in robots against angels that threaten to kill and slaughter all of humanity. THen when he finally tries to do something for himself, it only hurts evreyone else, almost destroying the world, with something called the Third Impact. Shinji is sucha complex chracter because at first people might get irritated and call him a crybaby because he is so senstitve. But he doesn't know what to do for himself as hes always following orders whether it be from Misato, his teachers, or his classmates. Some of his literal first lines are like, "I only want to do what teacher says," He thinks that if he does everything that anyone asks of him theyll be proud and praise him. However he has a hatred for other people and humanity deep down. He's a people pleaser who does it to seek validation and is always looking for an escapism from reality because he is so lost and isn't used to obviously thinking for himself. throughout the series hes often alone and seperated and he always tells himself mustn't run away and convince himself that his opinion has no value because if he does what hes told he'll be praised but then at the end shinji also thinks about ending it all at actually multiple times but the isolation stems from his father leaving him when he was young and his issues with communication between themin additon Shinji is afraid of getting hurt hence the isolation and the "hedgehog dilemma" this dilemma accurately represents shinju beacuse shinji wants to be able have someone he can talk to or a clsoe friend but he knows deep down that no one will really stay with him because they either die or something bad happens to them because they got involved with him. Plus from past expereinces he was betrayed and ghosted. Shinji tells himself he hates his father but deep down its actually the opposite. He just wants validation fomr  his father thats why he agreed to pilot the eva to fight the monster / angel in the first place But after he sees rei another pilot of the evas who seems to get along with his dad more than he did. Building a resentment and jealousy. But as he understood he just got even more confused.Plus Shinji wants to be happy and make others happy but for some reason whenever he thinks or tries for himself, things go south. THen in rebuild of evangelion, shinji wakes up 14 years later and for somereason no one tells him whats going on, everyones telling him never pilot again or they'll kill him themselves, who would'nt be uneasy and wonder, What the hell happened within the 14 years I've missed? Then when he finds out the organization he worked for, the organization led by his father, NERV, was now an enemy organizaiton by an opposing organization called WILLE which tried to destroy NERV and consists of Shinji's old coworkers like his boss Misato. Then when he realizes all the destruction after the impact he called as he tried to save his friend, he practically almost killed humanity entirely. EVAGELION IS SO COOL. 


 Highlights of the week would be NO MORE SOCCER SHOOTOUT!! I HATED WHEN BLR WAS OUT OMG. Another highlight is the lego and sonic backpack I spent like 58 on... LOL! Another highlight would be reading a lot if books this week. I learned Im a pretty fast reader since I finished 3 books in like 2 days. it was like... almost 1,000 pages in all. Anyways I read the books restart, they both die at the end, and the boy with the butterfly mind. ALl of these books wre pretty good honestly like I would reread again. Especially they both die at the end. The boy with the butterfly mind was a pretty relatable book. I always have ae tendency to forget my daily chores at home yet for some reason I can remember daily jobs at school. Its weird. I always get distracted like those cartoons where the dogs chase their tails. Anyways another highlight is evangelion! I WATCHED THE ENTIRETY OF EVAGALION! It was so peak. Another highlight is drawing. I made around 6 drawings these week! all within 3 hours! Each one took less than 3 hours. !!! 


- Lowlights of the week would be that not getting to states but honestly I'm fine with that I REALLY DIDNT WANNA WORK ON NHD ANYMORE LMAOOO. ALso ISA is another lowlight becuase my shoes are redish... yuck. and my pants had dirt all over them. Also anothe rlowlight would be spending around like 60 bucks.... BUT I GUESS THE RESULT AND THE ENJOYMENT I GOT WAS AWESOME.... anyways im not good with money.. spending wise.. for somereason I can save for montsh but when I have money and Im alone and able to buy something I aboslutely lose. ANyways moving on the other biggest lowlight of the week was getting hit in the face with a soccer ball. uh.. I dont know how to react to that.. not very pleasajt... Also my fianl lowlight is the fact that magicnotes were due earlier since It was a short week.. I TOTALLY FORGOT> 



- Lesson learned is to obviously spend my money responsibily... cause obviously blowing almost 60 bucks WAS NOT A GOOD IDEA. But I guess it was a win since I really like legos and stufff... Another lesson learned is to seriously slow down. SOmetimes I feel like my thinking exelerates from time to time. Sometimes I'll think so much then my brain will feel fuzzy and I won't think "a lot" but then I have times where I think so much I get so lost in thought that I come off as distracted. Then I'll get somehwat paranoid that hteres somethign I'm missing and I don't think about. But then I get distracted again. My attention span sucks... yes I only realize it now. 


My favorite magic notes has to be all the ones from my period that talked about the gacha singing battles and fnaf... It was so peak. Guys period five we really need to make gacha music videos oh my goodness. AND GACHA MINIMOVIES OH MY GOD. ANGEL OF DARKNESS? WHAT ABOUT DEVILS DONT FLY......... if period five had a singing battle thats gonna be really crazy guys. I love period 5 soo much theyre so silly I adore how tight our period is not only cause were the smallest but because we've talked to each other soo much. We alls pend qualtiy time with each other.



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