- I HATE THIS WEEK. AND LAST WEEK AND THE WEEK BEFORE. I hate every week. Let me rephrase that, there are many aspects of the week that I dislike overall. SImply put, the week isn't terrible.. its just the certain events that go on. Before this week, we had a 4 day weekend AND IT WAS AWESOME. ASBSOLUTELY PEAK CINEMA AND ABSOLUTELY THE GREATEST THING EVER. NOT ONLY THAT, I SLEPT BARELY AT ALL 9awesoem), AND I HAD SOME SORT OF AWAKENING. By that I mean I drew 20 drawings before the weekend ended. which was asbolutely insane because I still feel motivated to draw some more. This week felt so draining?? Maybe its because spirit week is soon. But anyways that aside, one of the biggest things I hate is when I doubt myself. It might not seem evident but I have a tendency of doing so. I'm only confident in things that I know for sure I can do. Like drawing. But when I draw something I dont really do, I feel mad it doesn't look the way I envision it and its like I'm traveling back to 3 years ago when I first started learning drawing. Sometimes Its irritating because you need to know not to doubt yourself, but you also need to know when to not be so confident.It feels like a dillema. IF you doubt yourslef, your framing your mindset in a way that can really hold you back. If your too confident, and you fail, it feels like your identity in a way or your pride falls apart and all thats left is shame and self hatred. In both cases I find each outcome undesirable. I'm not sure whats a better way to think. Maybe thinking less about failing or passing and more about trying your best seems better. I think I'm too indecisive for my own good. Anyways this week we had grad meeting, I worked on the mini activity for social studies, quite nervous for spirit week... Nervous but I know the weekend will help me calm down. also forgot to mention cheer off practices.
26 drawings! I am basically on a streak! ON A ROLL! YAHOO. ANother highlight is that I built the lego set I bought, also march is soon! meaning MY NEW ROOM IS SOON! Another highlight is that I went to the HOlomua Book fair and bought not one but TWO POSTERS. ONe a creeper and one of the sonic 3 movie posters... I was going absolutely insane when I saw that. They also had another IDW comic at the HOlomua Book Fair and obviously my brother and I wanted. They also had ninjago for somereason.. and not just like the book but it came with like figrines and like other pieces... BUt have them all already. Anotehr highlight is that I got to play my guitar again a lot and I learned the STill ILl by the smiths at least the intro, I learned chords for romance is boring, and I learned When you SLeep by My Bloody Valentine. If I had to chose songs I love playing it would be, When you Sleep, Silly Girl, and Everlong. I also learned more of still waiting. I was trying different techniques because I was struggling on this one specific part. I also taught my sister the 505 solo.
IAB. IRRELEVANT ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT. not academic blocks or whateve.r it sstupid. Even if its easy. EASY ENOUGHT TO FUMBLE ON. Anwyways... i fumbled on the ELA one.. NEAR...πππ my grammar sucks. I think reading several books infact did not do anything to my reading abilities and grammar. I still don't know the rules for commas. which I will learn later when I feel like it.... We also worked on researching for our one pagers in ELA. ANd another lwolight is Thursday.. thursday was relaly fun with graduation meeting and guitar lessons but... I CRASHED OUT . jk im sigma! I was so irritated witht he IAB becuase I was afraid of my ELA Score.. ..... oh wells I guess? I don't thinK I could've studied for that but I could study for the math. I didn't finish my Math IAB but I am on question 13. Close enough! Science on friday was alright... I DID NOT LIKE BEING SEPERATED... but its okay really boring though. People where throwing paper frogs at each other and drawing several portraits of dr heloca but one was emo, one was pink, one he had some sorta green.. I don't even know but I do know is that Aso drew on one of them and dustin was crashing out and scream NOOOO!. Final lowlight, my stuff is falling apart.
- Reframe your mindset. Everyone can win but everyone has to also lose. I guess I was kinda reverting back to myself before where I was afraid to fail. But failing is necessary. I guess in truth I'm scared of falling behind. but then that's because I'm too caught up in others progresses rather than my own. Comparing myself and being so hard on myself always ends up hurting me in the end. I'm trying to practice more positive self-talk.
My favorite magic notes are from cheyanne, olivia,a nd naomi. It was relaly funny for naomi to talk about sync swimming, IM REALLY NERVOUS FOR. Anyways I really liked how Cheyanne talked about sweet home. THE GLASSES GUY WAS SO FINE AND SO NONCHALANT TOO.. OMG... CHEYANNE SHOULD REALLY WATCH ALICE IN BORDER LAND FR, Finally my favorite magnic note is also from Olivia because we watched south park together in our period and we also talked about fnaf on friday and we even watched sonic dubs. THEYRE MY FAVORITE.
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