- This week was decent. i want to go on break already.... Anyways this week we had Science SBA... we had, recogntion nite, we had short week again... and overall it was pretty ehh.. I don't know how to feel about it. But then I say that about a lot of things. Like science SBA I think its stupid. Testing is stupid. I see how it helps but it makes me lose my mind so much. But I know I'll look back at my struggles and laugh at myself. And I'll think about if I had to do it again, I would probably do better. But that's just the wisdom that comes with experience. Another thing is that I want to try paint on a folder. Why well because I want to paint sonic.... also because my folder ripped. even more. it kinda tore. I should probably buy some more... I;ve been blasting music in my ears for a few weeks and honestly I get the appeal. You don't have to listen to peoples nonsene, you don't have to obe dragged into convos unless they constantly pester you, you dont have to respond, you can just listen to music... You won't have to listen to like people screaming, swearing calling other people "stupid hoes" and honestly having music in my ears makes everything seem so chill...ANyways also In LEA we finsihed what we were assigned to read in the giver so now we got to work on adobe. its like canva. but I guess more? I dunno Its VERY LAGGY. BUT BOTH APPS ARE VERY LAGGY LMAO. And I made mines based off of sonic the hedgehog. because hes really cool and teenagers should like sonic the hedgehog (that was the prompt) anyways also this week I was told that I will get a new room soon!! MEANING, I GET TO DECORATED HOW I WANT. even though I don't have a lot of stuff.. BUT I REALLY LOOK FORWARD TO PUTTING ALL MY FIGURINES AND ALL MY toys and another books in my desk somehwere I can easily access them instead of having to pull out multiple things just to check if the pages in my books are ok. This week really opened my eyes to the smiths even thoguh I listen to them practiaclly everyday but srious I really love STill Ill and Charming Man. Another artist I've started listening to is Queen! It was recommended to me by a 7th grader and I was like hey I'll try listen to the songs I haven't heard. Also I got my sister spotify and she really likes it. I went to this place called Keiki Kingdom around last week.. and I got this colorful block things. I don't know what to do with them.. I might just glue them all together or tape the together for no reason. Also I need to stop declining things... especially hangouts. Not also because I can't go but because I don't feel like goign and I feel drained from talking with people despite the fact I run my mouth practicall everyday and can't seem to stick to a singular topic for a long tiem. But geuinely who does???? ANYWAYS I WANT BREAK TO COME RN OMG.
A highlight of the week would be the red sun it was actually so very awesome! That was my first time seeing that before actually. It reminded me of those bright red lights on the traffic lights. It was fun seeing in person. Another highlight would be period 5 because I ABOSLUTELY LOVE PERIOD 5. And another highlight would be guitar practice because sometimes I dread it but honestly I always have a lot fun...what I need to work on though is playing with confidence. I can play but I'm just not believing in myself. Another higlight was teaching the 7th graders box! I'm glad things went smoothly and I'm glad TV has been on our side for a bit.... NOT TO JINX IT OR ANYTHING... Another hilgihgt would be getting taco bell at regonition nite before it started.. I didn't expect to get food lol! Another highlight would be naomi's brownies.. THEYRE ABSOLUTELY AWESEOMSAUCE THANK YOU NAOMI I LOVE YOU. A final lowlight would be drawing atleast 3 different things in 3-4 hours. Also another highlight would be getting to read the Moby Dick and the Count something something.
A lowlight of the week would be the red sun not because it wasn't cool but because the camera couldn't replicate the boldness of it in real life. But then that just reminds me that not all the best things can be capture on camera and to live in the moment more. Another lowlight is that the charactes in a series on youtube I was watching litereally all died... ABSOLUTELY CRAZY. Another lowlight would be the math IAB and the science HSA honestly I got performance level 3 and ascore of 501.94 which is not that great imo but its alright since its not a grade.
- My lesson learned is to not be afraid to start something over because this time youre not starting over with nothing but youre bringing what you scrapped, or the experience in a way, to your second start. Basically not to get mad when something doesn't look perfect because not everything will turn out the way you envision it but you just have to believe that thats okay.
My favorite magic notes would have to be Areas and Olivias becuase we literally spent the entire period 5 of the week watching gacha life together and I literally made them in gacha life. JACOB LOOKS EXTRA ACCURATE FOR SOME REASON. Anyways also I will be making a gacha minimovie of jacob become a evil....... nevermidn I wont spoil it lol! ANYWAYS AREA IS SO FUNNY SHE CLALS ME MASTER #2 AND ALPHJA??? bro.... it reminded me of when I walked between the benches and jacoba nd ariya and emma like stopped... and said the alpha walked there or something.. IT WAS RIDICUOULUS
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