THIS WEEK:: π§π§
This week was SO TIRING. and ABSOLUTELY WILD. But it wasn't that bad... BUT IT WAS STILL WILD. But despite all those negatives, it was pretty fun. Anyways to start off the week, SUNDAY! aka.... FEBURARY 23! Happy 14th Birthday to Me! (time went by so fast geuinely whatt) I learned how to skate and roller blade@ Honestly its pretty fun! Roller blading is just like ice skating. Roller skating is easy too. I really like roller blades. I got a bunch of sonic and shadow pins from my friend hehee. Anywayus this week we had to continue programing our robot move a certain way or anyways I PROGRAMMED MINES. EVERYTHING WAS GOOD AND WELL UNTIL I CHANGED THE SPEED. THEN FOR SOME REASON IT TURNED AND FOR ANOTHER TIME INSTEAD OF GOING STRAIGHT IT WENT CROOKED thank goodness I got full points. Also another thing that happened was that in math I finished my IAB and got above. Thank goodness. Anyways spirit week was a tad bit stressfullll!! But its okay THUGED IT OUT YAAA HOOOO! Anyways I also was watching south park. I watched like 2 seasons lol. I'm on season 11 now. Another thing that happened was that I got to draw a lot and I'm feeling more movitated. I also played my guitar and also I found the keyboard under the couch and I learned how to play parts of final duet. Also during this week our team 8-3 worked on our dragon and stuff and it was so fun :3! Also sync swiming was fun!
First highlight of the week was making the dragon! and painting it. It was so fun I got to paint the eyes too! Another highlight is that math was easy this week! All review. ANOTHER BIG HIGHLIGHT WAS MR DAMO AT CHEER HE WAS LITERALLY DRESSED UP AND EVERYTHING, Finally another highlight is that week is over! I FINALLY HAVE TIME TO DRAW A LOT AND ALSO I WATCHED SO MUCH THINGS. I watched south park, documentaries, and cave diver videos, and radiation and punishments in the pasts. It was so interesting to watch honestly like... WOAH. Final highlight is that I finally get my new room soon! and also I might cut my hair somewhere... since my mom won't let me cut it myself anymore. NO MAGIC NOTES YAHOO! Another highlight is yearbook is over.
The first lowlights is that the haters during Friday.. Like don't be so pressed yall were all friends. Anyways another lowlight is that THE STURGGLE IN COMPUTER SCIENCE IT WAS SO TERRIBLE OH MY GOD. Another lowlight wascounting coins but it wasn't that bad we watched south park. Another negative is that I got little sleep and kept getting to school late. especially during when I worked music.. Another lowlight was forgeting my wallet. Also another lowlight was not getting ot go to the library. I really wanted to read a certain book and also I wanted to read the dog man comics because I acutally only read captain underpants and not dog man which is absolutely terrible. Anyways yeah thats pretty much my lowlights.. ALSO STRESS WOULD BE A BIG ONE BECUASE I WAS GOING INSANE DURING SPIRIT WEEK. orientation might be a handful but itll be okay.
My lesson learned of the week is to believe in yourself I say this LOTS. but I fall short on some weeks. So I've resestablished my lesson to be, believe in yourself, and if you don't, pretend you do until you really feel you can. Also thing is that being left out. I learned that when I feel left out, I should just focus on other things like drawing, shows, or even talk with other freinds or even catch up with some. Anyways thank god this week is over. Another thing I learned is that things get overwhelming easily for me. I tend to feel like my brain is overloading with information. Even when nothings going on. And sometimes confusion or just noises can irritate me. A lot. Anyways I'm trying to be kinder to myself and trying to learn to identify my feelings rather than ignoring them just for it to pile up and release all at some point where I can't process what I'm feeling.
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