WB39: THE TITLE TRACK (also mongoose adventure.)

 THIS WEEK::πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’“πŸ’“

- This week was honestly like I felt so smiley the entire week? There was no reason to be. But I was also a little bit lonely since my best friend aka my Azaleahuzz... wasn't at school for a while. SPEAKING OF ABSENCES. PEOPLE WERE GETTING SICK ONE BY ONE... "they're dropping like flies!" kinda thing dude.. LIKE MY MATH PERIOD WE WERE MISSING LIKE 6-7 people. ANyways I got a hair cut lolol not noticeable but its a big improvement for me cause I hated my hair growing out, Anotehr thing that happened this week was orientation practice, andgraduation pictures. Thank god thats over. Anyways I've been obsessed with the smiths and the title track by the origami track and my favorite lyrics from that song is "If you want to be someone that you never have to hide or keep bottled up on the inside," And its not only the lyrics its the instrumental. Its upbeat and turns the gears in my brain so nicely. Like It reminds me of strained friendships but also reminds me of the people I've met through out middle school. Im getting kinda nostalgic but its only 3rd quarter. If anything I wanna make my last weeks , months at Ilima the best ever even if I think it'll be absolutely hell. Another set of lyrics I resonate with is "I know that you won't be the same, the same" whenever I get in contact with an old friend, they always say something by the words of, I'm sorry I haven't been talking to you or that we've distanced. But its totally understandable. At first I realize looking back on my blogs from last year and even me before leadership. I was terrified of change. I was absolutely scared I would lose all my friends. But looking on it now. I'm not scared of it. I might be nervous. But why be so nervous and afraid when I can turn those things into excitement and if anything, thrilling!? and I'm not alone at all! I have people I can rely on. Anyways before March ends, My goal is to finish an animation, colored, effects, and everything. I need something to show for this year. I have too many unfinished projects. Oh also there was hostess... the mongoose in A101... who some how got inside. AND WAS NOT A RAT. Mr ing's band messages were so funny bro. like the aftermath.. like damn what the hell.. i learned Mongooses mgiht like rice crispies and hostess cupcakes or powdered donuts. 


 Highlights of the week would be my art getitng like almost 200 likes.. thats HUGE. I made that based off of a feel and a mood I was thinking about and seeing tha tpeople say its awesome makes me pretty happy. But I always have to remember to do things for myself not for internet fame. I wanan build my "brand" by making what I like. Also in the future I plan on making those acrylic keychains so I can make money on the side. Commissions too! Okay back to earth, Another highlight is that I watched sotuhpark with almost everyone and it was wild. in period 5.. there was this lice episode and the ENDING WAS TERRIBLE. THEN THERE WAS THIS EPSIDOE WHERE terroists nuked their imagination? LIKE WHAT> and in additon another episode kenny got high off of CAT URINE. LIKE WTF IS SOUTH PARK EVEN ABOUT... Another hihglight of the week is that I got to pick my room color. I went for a weezer ish blue (yes..) and I cannot wait to get my own room like its been practically like YEARS. like I've been sharing a room for so long... not that its bad but WOAH. ME? A ROOM? THAT I CAN DECORATE MYSELF? Like goodness I feel so happy.. anyways another highlight was playing roblox with some friends on this stupid dead rails game where you had to like well go on a train and get far. Another highlight would be all those crazy documentaries I've watched. I really enjoy documentaries about crime, cave diving, craziest ways to die, executions, or about shows and its bad writing, In my opinion its cool to watch. I also read dog man this week and diary of a wimpy kid.. I have definitely missed peak.. I used to grab books in 2nd grade just to grab them like all the other kids but honestly I thought I was bad at picking up books since every book I read, I got bored of ... I would only read books people recommend to me because they read it. But I guess thats just to cool think about books sometimes. You pick things up without knowing if it'll be good or not. Or maybe I just get easily bored. I said I won't go back to the media center for books since htey only allow 2... but I think I might. i tend to stick with the books I read there than the ones at the public library... anyways also I've been watching black clover again. A lot of nostaglia this week like I used to watch it with my dad since 2018 and we;d watch each epsiode together right when they came out. i can't believe its been 7 years already. it seems like a joke! Also I got two new shirts lol! 


- Not doing alma mater for a while sorta screwed me over... I kinda messed up on box friday. What happened was that I turned on mics then I didn't realize my AFV turned off.. then I swtiched to ariya. Then I was like... why isnt the sound matching up with the speed shes speaking at? Also at the same time, the backgrounds were like dissapearing so I was occupied trying to fix thoughs while TV was running... But then I checked on the mics after fixing ariya and olivas background because they were disapearing... and I notice alma mater is there. The button "local Video On" was grinning at me dude.. But oh wells. that was only like the 3rd or 2nd time I screwed up alma mater...ever.. But yeah okay job to me, but next time I should double check even tripple check. Anyways Another lowlight is that Mr Damo's summative next week... yeah. Also I've been really tired? Like friday I was gonna sleep for an hour but I woke up at it was like 8 PM... (I slept at 4) anyways another lowlight was jacob not being at school... It wasn;t bad but we had to change the schedule A LOT. being that ariya wasn't gonna be working (or we thought) in the morning the rest of the week. Sadly we didn't have music this week which I was looking forward too last week but Ids isn't bad... at least I get to start 4th quarter with one of my favorite morning jobs. Another lowlight would be LIMITED ITEMS. IM BEING SO SERIOUS. I talked to cheyanne this week about limited items and how some companies need to bring back things because I wanna buy them for THEIR REGULAR PRICE. NOT FROM RESELLERS SELLING STUFF FOR $999 or $99,999 for a stupid figurine.. or a guitar. (i get why guitars are expensive but gang... and those people who get guitars even though they don't play them like DUDE THEYRE NOT PROPS. IF UR JUST GONNA USE IT FOR YOUR HALLOWEEN COSTUME GIVE IT TO ME....) LIKE GUYS. Anyways also I really want sonic and the black knight and sonci unleasehd speaking of which I still gotta finish shadow generations.



Let yourself make mistakes. I say it all the time and I'm learning more about it all the time. Making no mistakes at all teaches nothing and rarely lets you stumble upon any new discovery. Mistakes are proof of your effort. It shows your trying, your exploring, your experimenting. Mistakes often come off as things you've done wrong but people need to realize not all mistakes belong in the category "wrong" but that mistakes can even mean you're doing something right. Also another lesson I've learned throughout the week is that your mood can affect how others feel. I know the feeling too well when your spirits are high but everyone else seems to have had a bad day despite the day not even starting. It brings your mood down too. If anything thats what I hate most but you can't stop people from being mad sad or even terrible. Thats something they need to figure out themselves. 


my favorite magic notes of the week is well starting off siennas, she thinks shes repeating herself but I enjoy every interaction we have. If anything her magic notes are like a relief and something to look forward too because when people describe me as bright I genuinely get pretty happy because when I think about me in 6th grade, I was soo nervous and in a sense negative. Not to hate on younger self (yes this is) I THINK I WAS SORRTAA A BUZZKILL.... yeah.. like get out bro... jk live laugh love. I'm glad I had those embarassng and irritating moments. Another favorite is EMmas. and her LEMON PEPPER STEPERS> LIKE WHAT ABOUT DOOR STOPPER HOPPERS?? another favorite is cassells... He lowkey gives the best book recommendations I'm jsut too stubborn to actually read them. but I read some they were soo goodd.d.....d.d.d.d. I didnt read muchw hen I was younger cause my mom would make me read aloud for an hour.... and when I couldn't pronounce things shed get irritated lol I guess second grade me saw it as a chore becuase she would make me write a BOOK REPORT on it even thoguh she would "listen" to me read for an hour daily. .. but now I can actually read for fun.Another favorite is Ariya's the spinning 30x times was so dumb it was like I leaned forward but for some reaosn I was leaning BACKWARDS. inverted controls bro. I apologize for traumatizing her with south park.. I do give warnings before I play some epsiodes. AND YES CHEYANNE. I find it so funny that she thought it was like a competition to see who could be "better" I lowkey just wanted to be friends when we met lol! ANyways IM GLAD THAT WE ARE AHHAHAH! 


shes so cute look @ her <3<3 



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